About Wee Scotland and what to expect!

I am a mother of two wee ones, ages three and nine, from Norway, currently living together as a family in Edinburgh as part of a gap year. We have spent the last nine months travelling around Scotland, and it has been amazing, to say the least.

Its truly magnificent nature, traces of ancient history that are still very much visible, and the kindness of its people make this country hard to forget. I promise you, Scotland will haunt you. And you will love every bit of it!


The idea behind The Wee guides

We have come to realise through our travels that although Scotland truly is a child-friendly country, with lots to offer children of all ages. The accessibility of the information is limited. Don't get me wrong; it's not the lacking of information. It's the vastness of what exists: lengthy travel blogs and websites, hours of never-ending google searches. And what we were to find out was that mainly all info is targeted at younger or older couples without kids. In the end, we pretty much ended up planning our trips by zooming in and out on google Maps. And although this is not a bad way at all to plan your travels, it has its disadvantages.

So, as a result of months of this, the idea of a straightforward family-friendly guide formed. And as they say, the rest is history!


Our way of travel and what to expect from the guides:

Most of our travels are often by train or bus. Some by car. It is astonishing how easy it is to get to rural places in Scotland by public transport. All the trips are planned with having two wee ones, so there is a good balance of sights, activities, and attractions for the kids and us adults. The cafes and restaurants listed are all family-friendly and serve a good meal.

We also love a good hike, so some of the guides offer a selection of child-friendly walks and hikes.

You will notice that the accommodations recommend in these guides are quite different from the traditional travel books. We do most of our lodging in flats, cottages, holiday parks or family-friendly B&Bs via Airbnb and Vrbo. The reasoning behind this choice is explained in the guides. We love the extra space these places can provide. The bonus of having a cosy living room for the adults to relax in the evenings when the kids are asleep is fantastic, and so is the opportunity to cook our meals if we choose. Overall, we feel this alternative gives us more freedom as a family.


Thoughts and hopes

I hope that the guides will help make the planning easier you and your family, so you can be one step closer to the trip of their dreams. All guides come with a complimentary activity pamphlet made especially for the wee ones. It's packed with tasks that make road trips and walking easier for everyone. So you can have a memorable family trip to the magical country of Scotland.


Love K. Robyn.